Saturday 15 August 2009

music martellante

Happens that some piece of music I hammer the brain to the point of exhaustion. Most of the time are musical shit-business-that-lasts-a-season that, to their disgust and their omnipresent in all media, you can not raise the head.
Other times, fortunately, are more than acceptable compositions (Alone of the Gathering, the Thoughtless Korn, What Shall We Do Now? Pink Floyd, some like the soundtrack imperial march from Star Wars.).
Rarely, I do not know why sometimes the music is of undoubted artistic value and cultural (the 7ima symphony of Beethoven or the first concerto for piano and orchestra of Brahms.).
But not so catalog Danse Macabre du Vampire of Theaters Des Vampires (the 2007 version Revamped). I can not levarmela by testa.uccidetemi!

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